2014년 3월 22일 성주산 자연휴양림 산행 중 발견한 벚나무 오색딱따구리집.
집만 보고 딱따구리 종류까지 알 순 없지만 주변에서 오색딱따구리가 먹이활동을 하고 있어 그 놈 집으로 인정했다.
중딩 시절 초딩 동생에게 바람 빠진 사냥용 공기총을 잠깐 맡긴적이 있다.
어린 동생은 근처 나무에 앉은 새를 시험삼아 쏘았고, 재수없게 떨어진 놈이 오색딱따구리다. 천연기념물 크낙새와 혼돈하여 큰 자책감에 빠져있을 때 동생과 아버지께선 이놈을 맛있게 구워 드셨다.
아직도 미안한 추억이 남아있는 새다.
A woodpecker is a kind of bird. Woodpeckers are found all over the world except in the North and South poles, Australia and New Zealand. There are over 200 different kinds of woodpeckers. The two largest woodpeckers, the Imperial Woodpecker and the Ivory-billed Woodpecker are most likely extinct. Animals that are extinct are no longer found on Earth.
Woodpeckers have sharp bills for drilling into wood, and short, stiff tails which help prop them up against tree trunks and branches. Woodpeckers also have very long tongues, which help them get at insects deep within trees. Woodpeckers are often heard drumming loudly on trees before they are seen. Woodpeckers can even become pests if they learn to drum on siding of a house.
Woodpeckers can easily be attracted to backyard bird feeders with sunflower seeds or suet. Suet is a kind of animal fat that is very tasty to woodpeckers and other birds.
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